26 OCT 2023
Dear North Haven School Community,
We are still feeling the effects of the mass shooting in Lewiston. I met with other Mid-Coast superintendents and law enforcement this afternoon. At this time the suspect is still at large, but according to law enforcement there is no specific information that would indicate any immediate threats to our region. All mainland schools from Belfast to Waldoboro plan to be open tomorrow.
Opening school tomorrow is a very difficult decision, but we want to be open for our students and families to provide a sense of normalcy and safety. According to many law enforcement agencies in the area, there is not a credible threat in our geographic area.
Staff will be prepared on how to respond if students bring up the shooting during the school day. This will be done in an age appropriate manner. Staff will not bring up the incident in school; instead, they will be prepared to respond if students initiate a conversation. Our goal will be to provide students with a sense of normalcy and security.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
Peter Gallace and Shaun Johnson