NHCS 3rd and 4th grade students working to rebuild and revitalize a play structure.
5th and 6th grade NHCS students constructing mini models of their free little library designs. Two student designs will be selected and then built together as a group.

Student designed tattooing elective. Learning about the multistep process of creating and executing tattoos.

Intro to robotics with Kindergarten using Bee-Bots. 🐝

High school students working on and learning how to finish a wooden boat.

Students in grades 5/6 and special guest actors wrapped up filming on their alien invasion movie! Oakley Jackson worked with the students to design and construct the UFO interior set.
Formulating a restoration plan for this original wooden North Haven dinghy. ⛵️

Snack cart getting a fresh coat of paint thanks to this NHCS 11th grader!